On Monday 22 September 2003 11:47 pm, Charlie M. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> September 22, 2003 08:40 pm, yankl wrote:
> [..]
> > Thanks for correcting me, it is rant. The spell check some time can be an
> > evil creature.
> I was having a bit of fun Yankl.
> <kidding>
> The use of the word seemed possibly appropriate given that line in your
> signature. ;)
> </kidding>

I have not made a connection until I look at word definition.
> Depends on your desktop environment. Are you after the mimetypes in;
talk about kde and on going problem with wma files. I was trying to make a 
point of hiding setting from users. In days when I started many moons ago, 
script was a king and you use to have had figure out staff by yourself, and 
along the way you would find tons of info which would help you in the future. 
Now days KDE/GNOME  becoming dangerously NTish, which could compromise 
security and stability of *NIX. 

> I guess you haven't tried the Release Candidates for 9.2 then?

 cooker since it reopen after 9.1 relies 

> Smells like "protecting the noobs from themselves" and I find that slightly
> distasteful.
second this

> It's been an interesting 
> discussion, thanks. :)
Yes it was. Hope it all for good.

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