Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Monday 26 January 2004 01:53 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

mprime has been running over an hour, decided to end it there
for the moment,
Anyway no apparent problems there.

I don't agree, 1 hour is an indication, IME you pass after about 8 hours or more, ie, overnite.

So now for bios reset, FSB=133

Does your board also have FSB jumpers? Better boards do, a long with bios BSB settings.

MSI K7T266 Pro2 Mobo. I don't understand the question.
The CPU is a 133 MHz of course.
You may change the FSB between 100/133, of course,
and the PCI frequency may be selected,
H/W = hardware config (currently set)

The CPU ratio/Vcore voltage may be altered but I have it on the default setting. I'm not into pushing my components to excess just to see what breaks.

Otherwise I cannot see what you refer to.

Your choice: 17

Beginning a continuous self-test to check your computer.
Please read stress.txt.  Hit ^C to end this test.
Test 1, 400 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922945 using 1024K
FFT length. ==================Total
The entire system locks up tight, no keyboard,no mouse,
nothing, only left to crash our and reboot with fsck's to
partitions and everything.

Now one might be thinking that this indicates that there is a faulty CPU(Athlon 1800)

More likely motherboard and/or ram, overheating, maybe PSU. Are all those components AMD approved?,,30_182_869,00.html

I don't currently have the memory test programme installed, but I have had it on and run it thoughily with no reported problems, I doubt if anything has changed , this mencoder crashing the system on FSB=133 setting isn't new, goes back to the beginning.

but for the fact that W2k and Gordian knot can run my FSB-133 setting and complete the encoding in less time than mencoder and without any stress to the cpu.This does not tend indicate a faulty cpu to my mind.

I suspect the linux kernel is not particularly good at running cpu's like mine at it's maximum capacity.

Actually, I believe your thinking is 180º off. W2K uses CPU/cache/ram very sloppily. Particularly motherboards, cache, ram, and harddrives. Often marginal systems will function with M$ crap, but fail Linux's greater demands on them.

Well right now I wouldn't mind some of that sloppyness in my linux, if that is the case.
I'm not certain it is.

Mandrake makes my XP 3000+ (overclocked to over 3200+, 171Mhz FSB, ram at DDR 419) absolutely *FLY*. Mencoder or Trancode is fast and no problemo. Even for 7+Gig DVD ripping, encoding, or 800MB movie resizing. Same for mprime 17, or cpuburn's 'burnK7'. Many many kernels since 2.21.x, now 2.6.2rc1, with this hardware. Often with low latency, preempt versions.

Others may disagree, but that is the feeling I have had for some time now. I noticed that there is a windblows version of mprime, it might be interesting if I downloaded it and installed in W2K and run the test again from there. But for now food for thought.


Try it, there's also a Winsux version of cpuburn. BUT, I suspect you can't use the correct FSB for your Athlon because of a marginal motherboard and/or ram. Could be ram timings in bios if you have them too tight. Try 3-3-3, banking disabled. Who makes the ram, and what are it's specs? Same ? for motherboard, PSU, video card and driver. What kernel parameters? IE, the append= line from lilo.conf.

The memory stick isn't the best , but it ain't that bad either, has always passed the linux memory test OK. There's no thermistor so as far as memory stick running temperature is concerned, it's a "fingers" job , and it's running "cool" I don't have any qualms about the running temperature at all, it's OK.
However the memory settings are a different matter.I have some choices,
Internal cache - writeback/disable
System BIOS Cacheable - Enable diable
C00.32k Shadow - Disable/Enable/Cached
APIC FunctionAPIC Function - Enable/disable
MPS Table Version - 1.4/1.1
Configure SDRAMtiming - SPD/ EEPROM (but I have DDR memory ?)
SDRAM Frequency - HCLK/HCLK+33/ HCLK-33/SPD (I have 133 MHz so SPD)
CAS#Latency - 2/3 (2=increase, 3= stable)
Row Precharge Time - 2T/3T
RAS to CAS Delay - 3T/2T
Bank Interleave - Disable/2-Way/4-Way.
Burst Length - 4QW/8QW
SDRAM1T Command
Fast Command - Enable
AGP mode - 1x/2x/4x
Manual AGP Comp.Driving
AGP FAST Write - enable/disable
AGP Aperture size 4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB/64MB/128MB/256MB
AGP MASTER 1 W/S Write - enable/disable
AGP MASTER1 W/S read - enable/disable
AGP Read synchroniszation - enable/disable
Search for MDA Resources - (only for mono display adapter cards)
PCI Delay Transaction - enable/disable

Now not all those are to do with stick memory but they might affect the system performance in a mencoder type opperation, so I enclude them anyway. Frankly I don;t really have a clue about these setting, and the mobo manual is not much better. I mean basically all it does is say the above in a more verbose manner, which isn't much help f you are trying to optimise settings with a degree of logic and understanding.

Once again "it works in Windows" is a very derogatory statement to make about your hardware.

I totally agree, "it works in windows" is far from being a compliment, it's just that the cpu does work better in windows at the moment.

Please don't be offended, but Windoze users are the most likely to jump to wrong/worst conclusions, and usually are saddled with the most misconceptions. Even with Linux's sricter demands, most all problems are user > hardware > software > and lastly OS. And I'll repeat, if you can't run mprime 17 overnite, your hardware isn't suitable for Linux use. Guess I need to add, at proper settings and configuration.

That is the only doubt in my mind, the "settings", are they the best choices? , can they be tweeked better than I have them ?, but still whatever the settings, things are more stable in windblows for me at this time and I am getting better speed out of everything to do with cpu in W2K, of that I am pretty certain.

I am not into high performance bios settings, and have never selected them, though under Hardware setup there is a choice to select "High Performance" - Load High Performance defaults (Y?N) ? Y , but I don't, and never have. I just don't want to increase the performance just to get 5% more speed only to seriously compromise stability. It ain't my style. But I would like to be able to use the FSB=133 setting with reliability in linux where Windblows has the advantage over me at the moment.

I will be running mprime 17 in windblows today, let you know how I get on.


John Richard Smith

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