On Friday 06 Feb 2004 11:19 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> Yes OK then,  have done that,
> Incidentally the replacement is a new straight out of the box 350W,
> nothing special, as to make,
> just kept as a spare for just such test purposes.
> Unforetunately it makes no difference at all.
> The first cpu was a quite new item in itself
> and the reason I didn't suspect it.
> I don't really suspect the PSU.
> Always open to correction though.
> I still have instability in high load Mandrake cpu situations.
> I have to underclock the FSB rate to achieve stability in M9.1,
> not in W2K though, and so I get ribbed by my family,
> I'm seen as a Linux geek to everyone around me.
> Though I noticed one of my daughters has recently started using
> xcdroast a lot , say's it works great. Oh well, great things from
> small beginnings, do proceed. You know it's a confidence thing !
> But I digress.
> Yesterday I reseated the heatsink for the 'n'th time.
> This time I deliberately bent the retaining clip so as to exert
> more retention thrust onto the cpu, in otherwords the
> it took more of a push to retain the clip to the cpu.
> Current results are:-
> FSB100
> ======
> startup/desktop     Full CPU load
> cpu 34C/41C          49C
> Case25C/30C         35C
> fan   3624              3668
> Vc    1.74               1.74
> Vh    1.25               1.24
> Vp    3.315             3.37
>          4.85               4.84
>          12.3               12.3
>         -12.40            -12.40
>         -5.07              -5.07
> These are not bad temperatures to my mind.
> The full load(99%) is achieved by running a
> mencoder job rather than mprime.
> Seems like clip retention pressure makes a difference
> But no need to exagerate it !
> I am currently unable to attain desktop in FSB133
> I get boot messages,
> ide task - not syncing
> stack  ( loads of number)
> calltime
> kernel panic, killing interupts handler-not syncing
> Food for thought there don't you think ?
> CPU temp is well within tollerances now
> and was withing AMD's own tollerances anyway.
> PSU probably fine.
> I'm open minded about memory,
> though it will pass the memtest.
> I haven't the faintest idea what syncing is about ?
> Guess that is the next thing to find out about.
> John

Sorry John,

I didn't realise that Windows was running OK... (I presume it runs OK 
at full CPU load.) 

Have you tried running a different distro (say Koppix from CD)? Is 
ACPI enabled? Try switching this setting on. What kernel are U using? 
I presume it is 2.4.x series :-) Is it stock or custom? You might try 
a custom kernel with ACPI statically linked and APM left out 
completely (APM can potentially clash - although I think this problem 
is fixed now in the 2.4.x kernel).

Does <dmesg> have anything useful in it? Maybe you could post it here? 
Whats lurking in your /proc/ directories (interrupts, pci, etc.)?

I am just clutching a straws here but it does sound like the Linux 
interrupt hander is shagged. So first place to check is ACPI settings 
I guess...


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