Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:

i've been a pretty devout redhat user since around 2000. that being said, i'm thinking of switching over to mandrake 10.0 because of a couple reasons:

1) i'm a huge KDE fan and that is default desktop on mandrake (as opposed to fedora core's gnome)
2) fedora core 2 seems to have been getting tons of complaints lately

now i have a few questions/concerns before switching over:

1) typically, i do a pretty minimal linux install + dev tools and i install all my program from source. i like to have my stuff pretty up to date. if i'm in a bind for time, i sometimes download an rpm and manually install it. i'm older now and more busy, i don't really have the time to compile everything from source (else i would use gentoo i guess)...;) i never learned how to use yum or anything like that but i think if i do a fresh install of some linux distro i'd like to learn a tool like that. does mandrake have anything like yum? what is package management like and where can i learn more about it?

2) related to #1 above, i noticed that mandrake 10.0 comes with kde-3.2. the latest version of kde is 3.2.3. is there any "easy" way to upgrade?

3) there is some issue about the new kernel and dual booting with winxp (i've read about it on the fedora mailing list). does mandrake have a similar problem? it would seem like the answer is yes, since its a 2.6 kernel problem.

I am running a dual boot system with both Windows XP and Mandrake 10.0 Community. It picked up the Windows XP partition with no problem. The only thing is it mounts it with read only access. I'm not sure if this is a standard feature of mounting Windows partitions or not in Linux, as I've only been using it for a month.

4) i'm tired of manual configuring things with vim...;) since mandrake is suppose to be the leader in "linux desktop computing", i'm hoping that there are gui configuration tools for pretty much >everything<. is this true?

thats all i can think of now. i guess my main reason for switching is KDE and i'm guessing that all of mandrakes configuration tools use the KDE (or QT) libraries.

what do you all think?

thanks for the insights and advice!


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