On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 00:53:14 +0100
Margot disseminated the following:

> > crontab -e
> > 
> > which gets you into your user's cron config, hit 'i' to insert text, then:
> > 
> > 0 * * * * /path/to/script > /path/to/outputfile
> > 
> I got this far...but couldn't work out how to save what I'd 
> inserted! Checked man crontab, looked for the file in the location 
> that man said it should be in - I don't appear to have a crontab 
> file at all! Eek!

Dang, sorry, forgot that part. Gotta stop...doing that...thing...that I

It's Vi you are using to edit the crontab, so once you (i)nsert the text,
hit Esc to exit insert mode, then':wq' and Enter (the ':' is to tell Vi you are
giving a command, the 'wq' means'write, then quit'). You should then get a
message something like 'new crontab installed'. Vi is bloody intimidating at
first, but from what I've heard, once you get used to it...well, like anything

Anyhow, it's better than Emacs.

/joehill ducks to avoid barrage of arrows tipped with C4

> > Then of course just point Moz at the /path/to/outputfile.
> > 
> Managed to run it manually though, and use the output (see below!) - 
> which is probably all I need for now as I don't need to use the sig 
> on all mails, just the occasional one!

Ah, go for the gusto! It's really easy to create your own file of quotes to
randomly choose from, I got the howto from Todd Slater's site, but his site has
gone all *political*, all kinds of *commie stuff* (love it Todd!), can't find
the howto's anymore. If you want, I'll post how to go about that, or if Todd's
'listening' mayhap he'll post a link.

> Thanks for your help :-)

NP! I ought to be good for something else than yelling at hijackers and top

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.freeyourmachine.org
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"Well, he might as well have been bombing Denmark." -- Gore Vidal, on the
bombing of Afghanistan after 9/11

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