On Saturday 22 January 2005 10:32 am, Julie Sloan wrote:
> > If /home's not on a separate partition now, and you
> > have enough diskspace on a storage partition, just copy your
> > entire /home directory to that partition.  Then copy it back
> > in after a re-install of 10.0, overwriting the install /home.
> >  This probly isn't practically feasible if your storage area
> > is any type of Windoze file system.  It's possible, but much
> > more complicated.
> >  
> I copied /home to a CD, will reinstall 10.0, and hopefully
> during the reinstall will set up a storage partition or two.
>  I'm dualbooting WinXP and Mandrake; have the Win on the
> original harddrive and Mandrake on its own, separate, hd.  I
> can "see" into windoze from Mandrake but cannot write to it.
> thanks,
> Julie

    Actually you seem to have alot'a snap for a newbie.  In the 
re-install, make a separate /home dir this time ;)  Also, IME, 
one real big /stor dir is better than many.  CD backup of /home 
was a good idea on your part.  This advice comin from an old 
idiot with 4 /stor[1,2,3,4] partitions spanning 3 PATA/SATA mix 
of drives with a total of 280gig.

    As to 'see' into Win$ux, that why I left it at 'complicated'.
M$ ntfs FS's (and there are several versions), can be read by 
Linux, but write support is (intentionally by M$) dangerous and 
not supported. I'm not even sure if a tarball stored on ntfs can 
be transferred to Linux.  Maybe someone here with actual 
experience can comment. I haven't used anything M$ in years.

   BTW, when you re-install I recommend ReiserFS.  And make a 
separate /boot partition (~50mb's, ext3).  Ratio of '/' to 
'/home' will depend on how much total space you have, but IME, 
8gig for '/' and 12gig for /home is plenty ... specially if you 
set aside storage space.  For small Linux 'only' drives (<13gig), 
I believe putting everything one big 'ol '/' partition, with a 
suitable /swap partition is best use.
      Tom Brinkman                 Corpus Christi, Texas
               Proud to be an American

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