On Monday 28 February 2005 07:37 pm, Julie Sloan wrote:
> On Monday 28 February 2005 05:32 am, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
> > Maybe I am being unecessarily  negative about linux.       But it does
> > seem that one has to work inordinately hard to achivee some basic
> > functions.   I have reverted to Kmail simply because I can't get links to
> > browser to open from Tbird.   It seems this may a Tbird problem rather
> > than Mandrake or linux.  Nonetheless - fixes suggested, other than
> > command line, which is beyond me as a newbie, don't work.  I guess of
> > course, that it's possible that I am entering text incorrectly.
> > At the moment I understand why linux has the reputation that it has.  I
> > *do* appreciate all the help I've had.
> >
> > Wondering about going back to windows ....
> Oh, don't do that.  Judging by the questions you have asked you seem much
> more competent in linux than I am, and I'm going to stick it out.  Even
> though I've managed to break it so badly I've reinstalled from disk FOUR
> times so far this year LOL & LOL some more... and just this last time
> learned I can cache the damn rpms and not have to go through this a-hole of
> a downloading hell every time for my updates.  I feel really stupid here.
> Do you have any linux books?  I have two and ordered a third and although I
> can only absorb like a page a day, maybe if I have a book in every room I
> will read more of it  ;-)  I won't say I've learned any CL beyond the most
> basic mv, cp and rm, but I find it helps to practice, and to have the
> directory you're playing with open in the GUI as well as in the Console.
> That way you can see what's happening.  ;-)
> Other than that I play a lot of KBounce and KBreakout and surf and email
> and not much else yet.  I have a couple of (very disorganized) text files
> of notes & tips & so on I've collected I'd be glad to email you if you
> like. (It'll add to the confusion)  and if it's any consolation KMail is
> the only mailer that so far has done everything I've asked of it.
> Julie  (in Kentucky)
I agree with Julie, don't give up. You are much more competent than I was when 
I started with Linux in 1998. (I think). I am not a computer guru, geek (well 
a wannabe maybe) or programmer and have to wear a name tag to remember my own 
name, but  I have progressed to the point where I don't ask questions unless 
I absolutely exhaust all my references and googles. And I love it. I laugh in 
the face of viruses and snear at worms and have shaken the dust from my feet 
in leaving MS. Oh, wait I'm getting carried away again. I preach to anyone 
who will listen about linux. Sorry,
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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