On Saturday 19 Mar 2005 18:25, John or Margaret Montgomery wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:44:07 -0600
> Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >       Nope!  'Big name', or well know brand names mean very little,
> > more often, absolutely nothin!  Practically no brand name media are
> > made by the advertised vendor. The only way to know for sure who
> > actually makes the disk is to do;
> >
> >         Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas
> This is not DVD but I recall several years ago, asking a salesman about the
> differences between different CDs. His answer was - price!
> Since then I have bought only on price. A few coasters have turned up but I
> could always account for them by my stupidity.
As I said before, I think that's largely true of CDs, but it's worth noting 
that when I bought my hardware dvd recorder at Christmas it came with an A4 
sheet of recommended disks.  That suggests to me that they think there is a 
quality issue.  I did read that it was the density of burn required on a dvd 
that causes the issue.  Of course I'm only quoting.  As for my own 
experience, one of my coasters was done on this box, so may have been my own 
fault, but the other was done on the stand-alone recorder, where I have no 
control.  Of course, it may be coincidence, but for the small price 
difference, and it *is* small now, at least here, I'll play safe and still to 
recommended disks.

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