Hello all,

  I have just about all the parts together now, to start building my
new computer.  I already mentioned that
I'll be using the Abit-BE-II, with HPC-366. So, with aside
I've got 2 drives to work with. Quantum fireball ka drives .. one 9.5
gig and one 18 .gig.
(My first homebrew computer.)

  I have to install WinNintyHate, so I've been giving this some
thought.  A friend of mine installs win98 in 2 partitions, where most
of the programs are in the second
and win98 itself in the first. Better off in a crash situation he

  Well anyway, I have to large drives and I want to install both OS's.
How is the best way to go about it?

I don't really want to go through all the work of installing linux in
my hpc-366 situation, to have Win98 blow it up on me when it installs.
Which OS first?

  I would like to get some input from you folks here in the list on
how to do it the right way the first time?

  I plan to put Linux and I suppose win98 on the 18 gig
drive. Also, I plan to give Linux atleast 8 Gig or more.

(BTW - I have Linux Mandrake - 6.1 Power pack)

Your thoughts on this and Thanks in advance!

Mark Fitzgerald

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