> > (Re: what am I planning to do with the system)
> > (Re: .. Swap file size)
> > 
> >   Well, Most likly I'll use it to .. learn linux, fool around with KDE
> > and other window managers, edit web pages and graphics, play games,
> > Play cd-music, surf the net .. etc.
> > 
> > Hmmm .. well, guess that about sums it up.
> > 
> I'd say somewhere around 128 megs of swap should be
> sufficient for the above. If you're not planning on doing a
> lot of programming, etc, you might be able to drop it a
> bit, but IMNSHO, it's better to have TOO much swap than not
> enough....same goes for ram! :-) You can always have ram
> sitting there unused (well Linux will ALWAYS use almost all
> the available RAM for buffering, etc, but other than that,
> it's "unused" ram <G>)
> My feeling is that you can have more ram than you need and
> there's no harm done, but if you don't have enough RAM,
> it's a real pain!!!
>       John

      I'm curious as to even needing 128mb swap (?)  I have 128mb's
ram, and no matter what, I never get into the swap for more than 2
to 5 mb's.  I asked for 80mb, but Diskdruid gave me 88.  Should'a
asked for 40.
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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