Hi John,

First of .. Thank you!

  I'll sit down tonight and draw up a plan
and I've picked up a few Howto's.

  One more thing.  I forgot to mention that
I will be using 128 meg of ram, any advive on
swap file size?


Mark Fitzgerald

----- Original Message -----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: November 29, 1999 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Before I start?

> On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> >   I have to install WinNintyHate, so I've been giving this some
> > thought.  A friend of mine installs win98 in 2 partitions, where
> > of the programs are in the second
> > and win98 itself in the first. Better off in a crash situation he
> > says.
> >
> Sound idea. :-) You'd also be well advised to back up your
> registry to the second drive on a fairly regular basis
> (weekly, daily, hourly??? <G>)
> >
> >   Well anyway, I have to large drives and I want
> > to install both OS's. > How is the best way to go about
> > it?
> >
> ALWAYS install Windows first, as it will wipe the MBR on
> installation. If you plan on dual-booting using LILO, you
> MUST install Windows first, then install Linux.
> >
> > I don't really want to go through all the
> > work of installing linux in my hpc-366 situation, to
> > have Win98 blow it up on me when it installs. Which OS
> > first?
> >
> Definitely Windows 98. It resets the MBR when it installs,
> so that would wipe your LILO. Get a basic Win98
> installation up and running, then install Linux. Also, make
> sure you do NOT turn on the bios-level virus protection, as
> it may think LILO is a boot-sector virus and refuse to
> load. :-)
> >
> >   I plan to put Linux and I suppose win98 on the 18 gig
> > drive. Also, I plan to give Linux atleast 8 Gig or more.
> >
> > (BTW - I have Linux Mandrake - 6.1 Power pack)
> >
> > Your thoughts on this and Thanks in advance!
> >
> Sounds like a plan to me. :-) I'd suggest making /home a
> separate partition so if something happens you won't have
> problems and lose your home directory/ies. Also, you'd be
> advised to put a 5-10 meg partition at the HEAD of the
> primary drive as your "/boot" partition. And, I'd recommend
> a "junk" partition where you can store the archives of any
> programs you install so that if you have to reinstall
> Linux, you can easily reinstall your programs (Star Office,
> WP8 for Linux, etc.)
> John

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