On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, you wrote:
>   I have to install WinNintyHate, so I've been giving this some
> thought.  A friend of mine installs win98 in 2 partitions, where most
> of the programs are in the second
> and win98 itself in the first. Better off in a crash situation he
> says.
Sound idea. :-) You'd also be well advised to back up your
registry to the second drive on a fairly regular basis
(weekly, daily, hourly??? <G>)
>   Well anyway, I have to large drives and I want
> to install both OS's. > How is the best way to go about
> it? 
ALWAYS install Windows first, as it will wipe the MBR on
installation. If you plan on dual-booting using LILO, you
MUST install Windows first, then install Linux.
> I don't really want to go through all the
> work of installing linux in my hpc-366 situation, to
> have Win98 blow it up on me when it installs. Which OS
> first? 
Definitely Windows 98. It resets the MBR when it installs,
so that would wipe your LILO. Get a basic Win98
installation up and running, then install Linux. Also, make
sure you do NOT turn on the bios-level virus protection, as
it may think LILO is a boot-sector virus and refuse to
load. :-)
>   I plan to put Linux and I suppose win98 on the 18 gig
> drive. Also, I plan to give Linux atleast 8 Gig or more.
> (BTW - I have Linux Mandrake - 6.1 Power pack)
> Your thoughts on this and Thanks in advance!
Sounds like a plan to me. :-) I'd suggest making /home a
separate partition so if something happens you won't have
problems and lose your home directory/ies. Also, you'd be
advised to put a 5-10 meg partition at the HEAD of the
primary drive as your "/boot" partition. And, I'd recommend
a "junk" partition where you can store the archives of any
programs you install so that if you have to reinstall
Linux, you can easily reinstall your programs (Star Office,
WP8 for Linux, etc.)

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