On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> John..
> I too am brand new to Linux...and would like to know how i go about making a
> boot disk(?)..I am using system commander delux on win98...upon making the
> boot disk...do i load it first and then the cdrom (linux mandrake 6.1) or do
> i load both and they will know which loads first.
> Thanks
> Shane
Get the program "rawrite.exe" off the CDROM (it's in the /dosutils
directory) and then get a blank floppy (preferably fresh out of the
box) and stick it in the floppy drive. Assuming your CDROM drive is
D:, the command would be "rawrite d:\images\boot.img" <enter> IIRC,
Rawrite assumes your A: drive is a 3.5" floppy (you need a blank
HIGH-DENSITY 1.44 mb floppy, btw.)
As for using the boot floppy to install Linux, in theory, if you can
change your boot sequence, you won't need it at all for an IDE CDROM.
If you can't change it, you'll need to shut down Windows and restart
your computer, making sure that the boot sequence is A: C: so that it
looks to the floppy drive first.
Then just hit "enter" at the prompt and it'll ask how you want to
install and just select "local CDROM" and go from there.

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