On Sun, 28 Nov 1999,Seth Gibson wrote:
  | On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  | > >%_When you update the kernel you have to put what in lilo so it uses the
  | > new kernel?
  | > 
  | pop open /etc/lilo.conf and just copy one of the other sections,changing the
  | boot= section to point to whatever the new kernel is called.  Keep the old
  | section so you can boot into it if something goes wrong with the new kernel. 
  | after youve changed the lilo.conf, type /sbin/lilo from a prompt so lilo will
  | read your new config. . .
  |  --

Isn't that image = ? <grin>

  | Seth Gibson
  | www.mp3.com/PSM0x2710
  | members.tripod.com/cybernetic_thunder (Under Construction)
  | The Functional Design of the UNIX Operating System is probably one of the
  | few truly beautiful things left in the world.

The measure of a man is in his honor ...

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