Steven P Hull wrote:

> If you people would read the documentation that comes with EVERY version of
> LINUX you could probably answer about 90 percent of the RE-ITERATED stupid
> questions that get asked.  Get with the program people. Look in you HOWTO's
> that come on the CD's.  They are also installed on your hard disk if you
> told it to when you installed Linux.
> Steve

Let's see, new machine, new hard drive, someone gave me this cute little CD
with linux written on it and said "If you need any help a great place to look
is [EMAIL PROTECTED]", and I thinks to my self "What a cool idea,
thanks I'll try it."
then I read something like the above and thinks to myself "What a sorry bunch
of self-centered pompous $%+&!@ ".

Nice piece of penmanship.  I wish I were perfect and knew everything about
something new before I tried it, but since I'm not, thank God for the
understanding people who populate this list ( OK, most of them anyway ).  I
certainly hope that the attached message is not what we've become.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

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