If kathleen has Partition Magic and Boot Magic, she can simply run the set
up for Boot Magic and be able to run both OS.  She needs a multiboot loader
on her primary hard disk that can launch her systems.  She may also be able
to re-install LILO to the MBR without clobbering her install.  One of the
great things about GNU/Linux, once you begin to understand the ins and outs
is that reinstalls are generally unecessary.


On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 23:20:41 -0700
> From: Alan Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] LILO and modem issues
> Kathleen....I'm suspicious of something here.  If your primary
> drive needs to be disabled to allow Linux to boot then I suspect
> that you probably installed Linux with the primary drive
> disabled as well, right?  If that's so, then it'll probably be
> easier to reinstall Linux under normal conditions than to try
> and fix it to boot under normal conditions as it exists now.
> Alan
> The Russells wrote:
> > 
> > First, a little background.  I am a native Mac user (what is a BIOS
> anyway?!
> > command prompt?!) who intended to install LinuxPPC about this time last
> > year.  I never got around to it.  About three weeks ago I bought a PC
> and
> > decided to make some use of it by getting a second hard drive and
> installing
> > Mandrake on it.  Call me crazy, but the idea of partitioning something
> I use
> > every day scares me.  I have heard too many stories about partitons
> breaking
> > down, I suppose.
> > 
> > After much gnashing of teeth and general hassle, I got the thing
> mounted
> > (damn these cheap micro ATX cases!) and just finally got Mandrake
> installed,
> > after trying four times.  It is a 10GB Western Digital, if that
> matters.  My
> > Windows 98 hard drive is primary master.  My Mandrake hard drive is
> primary
> > slave.  I have nothing for a secondary master.  My CD-ROM is the
> secondary
> > slave.
> > 
> > First problem:  LILO.  Right now, I have to disable the primary hard
> drive
> > in BIOS to boot my Linux drive.  When I boot the Linux drive, LILO asks
> me
> > if I want to boot to Linux or my floppy drive.  I'd love to be able to
> make
> > a choice between Windows and Linux as everything boots up.  I attempted
> to
> > reconfigure LILO, at the command prompt, but obviously I am not getting
> > something.  I have the feeling that I need to somehow configure LILO on
> my
> > Windows hard drive, since that is my primary master and what boots
> first.
> > Any ideas/suggestions?
> > 
> > Second, I thought my modem was configured properly during the Mandrake
> > install.  Whenever I try to use it in Linux, it says the modem is busy.
> > It's definitely not.  I bought the confounded modem expressly because I
> was
> > under the impression that it was supported by Linux.  It is a Rockwell
> > II 56k data fax modem, on COM port 2 (in windows language).  Today I
> read
> > something somewhere that suggested Rockwells aren't usually supported
> by
> > Linux.  Was I misled?  Can anyone point me in the direction of a
> Linux-modem
> > webpage?
> > 
> > Sheesh.  I realize I sound like a babe in the woods here.  Bear with
> me.
> > Thank goodness this list is labeled "newbie"!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Kathleen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     You honor, Vacerra, the ancients alone
                and never praise poets, unless dead and gone
                your pardon I beg, if ungracious I seem
                but 'tis not worth dying to gain your esteem
                                --- Martial ----

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