Would either of you have any idea why X freezes when I try to exit a Quake

----- Original Message -----
From: Dacia and AzureRose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT /3dfx (& Quake)

> As far as quake goes, keyboard and mouse are the way
> and the life.  remap your keyboard controls so they're
> all next to each other and turn on mouse look.  I use
> the arrow keys for forward/back and left/right
> strafing.  Map jump, duck, etc to the keys surrounding
> the arrows and you are on your way to being a Quake
> addict.
> Hope your loved ones wono't miss you to much.....
> UT is Unreal Tournament.  Another 3D shooter similar
> to Quake3 in concept.  It is a beautiful game to look
> at.  I haven't played it though so I don't know how it
> plays.  Any UT addicts here?
> Hard drives Northwest has a great rep.  I do most of
> my shopping at computerstop in north seattle.
> Dacia
> --- Michael Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I hope you don't mind me writing off list, but I had
> > a couple of questions that
> > don't really pertain to Mandrake.
> > First, after a couple of days, my quake 2 is working
> > correctly - I've been
> > updating different programs from cooker (since I'm
> > using the beta release) and
> > must have fixed the problem without knowing.  I
> > guess I can't knock that!
> > Anyway, to start with, what kind of controller do
> > you use with quake?  I've never
> > installed a joystick or anything but I can tell
> > after a few minutes with Q2 that
> > using the keyboard and a trackball is definitly NOT
> > for me!  I'll ask my next
> > questions down the page here:
> >
> > James wrote:
> >
> > > Who's drivers are you using...reference drivers
> > from ATI or others?
> > >
> >
> > I'm using the standard drivers that came with the
> > Mandrake 7.1beta release.
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > 3dfx is smart....and by gettin hitched early with
> > Linux server developers...I
> > > think
> > > they are ruling King in the Linux-gaming
> > department.
> > > I am personally not a huge fan of 3DFX....but I
> > have come to appreciate what
> > > they have done with the gaming side of Linux.  I
> > really wanted to fight it out
> > > and wait for a GOOD TNT2 Driver....but nothing
> > showed...and the tutorials
> > > I found were less than helpful. (No offense meant
> > to anyone..I just did not
> > > get it)
> > > My Q3 from Loki shipped with MatroxG400 drivers
> > and 3dfx V3 chipset
> > > drives...with a tut on how to set it up.  To be
> > honest...I think it will be a
> > > while before the X MesaGL driver will be strong
> > enough...or worldly compatable
> > > enough to satisfy us "FEED ME NOW!" gamers.
> > >
> >
> > (snip)
> >
> > > In Quake 3...its fine
> > > In UT...I will let you know sometime soon....
> > > With Ktron...FRICKING WICKED ;-)
> >
> > What is UT?
> >
> > > > What's the rest of your hardware like?
> > >
> > > I picked up a nice deal on a Abit KA7, ($115)
> > > and a Athlon 700 ($202)
> > > I grabbed a "cheap" Overclocking Fan and Heat Sink
> > <The  RDJD> and push my
> > > system at about 886Mhz. ($40)
> > > I have 512 MB of ram
> > > a Sound Blaster Live Value
> > > Viper TNT2 Ultra
> >
> > That's almost the same system I'm going to build
> > this next week, could you tell
> > me a little about your overclocking?  I know that
> > the Athlon 700 is a pretty good
> > overclocker, but it would be nice to hear from
> > someone with a little 'real world'
> > experience.  Do you have any programs that give you
> > a problem with your
> > overclock?  I'm planning on getting the Matrox G400
> > video card, I'm glad that Q3
> > supports that.
> >
> > >
> > > The system works great ..and I have had no
> > problems with any of the hardware.
> > >
> > > >  I'll be building a new computer
> > > > in the next month and I would like to pick parts
> > that will be able to
> > > > handle games as well as work.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Where are you buying your hardware from?
> >
> > I'm planning on getting most of it from Hard Drives
> > Northwest, computer store in
> > Washington.
> >
> > Thanks so much for your time!
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > --
> > ==========================
> > Michael Holt
> > Kirkland, WA
> > ==========================
> > The Penguins are coming!!!
> > ==========================
> >
> >
> >
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