Hello again!

        This is an extra installment to my previous question about 3dfx.  I
just bought a copy of Quake 2 for Linux and had some disapointment.  I'm
using an AMD k6-3 450 w/192 MB RAM and an ATI Rage Fury 32MB Vid card;
I'm only able to use a max window size of 640x480 before the sound
starts cutting out and frames start dropping.  Is this to be expected
with non-3dfx cards?  If not, what should I adjust?  I'm also using a
19" monitor, but I have the res set to 800x600 and I tried bringing the
color down to 16bit from 32bit, but that had almost no effect.  The
window that the game plays in is oddly cut in half; one side has the
game, the other side is just black.  I've never played Quake before, so
I don't know how it should work, but it would seem that with as much
memory as I'm using it should be ok.  Any gamers out there care to
enlighten me?  It would be much appreciated!

Michael Holt
Kirkland, WA
The Penguins are coming!!!

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