On 31 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

:~>> :~>It will still be confusing to many folks if, like they did
:~>> :~>with 6.1, MacMillan decides to market 7.1 as 7.5!!  Their
:~>> :~>excuse was that more people will purchase an upgrade sequenced
:~>> :~>by .5 than would have bought it sequenced if sequenced by only
:~>> :~>.1.  Sheesh!!
:~>> AFAIK this is not allowed by our new contract. And there will 
:~>> be only one
:~>> pack in english-speaking countries - from McMillan.
:~>...and this was a decision that was met with ease by both parties.  
:~>I sense some definite hostility towards Macmillan on this thread.  I'd like to 
:publicly say it is a very successful and positive partnership between the two 

Actually, the bigest problems we had were exactly 6.1 -> 6.5 like
stuff. Following both packaging schema we used and the one McMillan used
was a big headache for all (at least for me). And having two products
from the same company (Mandrakesoft), allmost the same thing inside, but  
sold under two names and by two different companies
(Mandrakesoft<->MacMillan) is complete nonsence.

New deal sounds much better to me. 

Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])    
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