hi lance, i'm afraid that i know nothing about win2k so i can't help you
actually recover your data, but you sound pretty despondent and just
want to say that if you have only tried to write to partition sectors or
the mbr then your data is still intact, simply(!) inaccessible at the
moment, if your data is irreplaceable and necessary then as long as you
have time and maybe some money you should be able to get it back.
i had good use out of a program called 'lost and found' by powerquest
which found most of my data on a 4gig drive which claimed to be empty
space but which just had the partition info overridden, this prog may
support w2k by now, also ontrack do a product but it is/was fairly
expensive, i can't for the life of me remember the name though, not much
help i know but if the data is worth it then you should be able to get
at it, first step would be to see if someone else has those w2k recovery
disks i see mentioned?!


Lance wrote:

...So, 2 years of work and 10 gigs of data all
> lost, or so it seems right now. 

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