What's the deal here? I sent this response on Monday and it's just now


----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles A Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] this is an emergency (lilo, mbr, windows...)LanceREAD

> Lance
>     I see the [newbie] server is delaying again this message posted to me
> before your [newbie] post did.
>     When you went to the recorery console and executed your commands a
> disclaimer message appeared which I will paraphrase "I do not know where
> your Win2000 partition is either. If you choose to complete this command
> will probably screw things up even more." I used it with the same results
> you had.
>    Yes if you had a Win2000 ERD you could still install Win2000 in restore
> mode and preserve your data and settings but it has to be an  ERD that you
> created on your system. You can not use one created on another system.
>     I like PartitionMagic and use it myself but it can f   up too. So I
> would not be overly concerned with what it now says my partition tables
>     What we want to do now is to preserve and hopfully recover the data on
> your Win2000 drive so we do not want to do anything else to this drive
>     If I remember correctly you said yor 2000 hd was 20GB and your other
> drive was  12GB so I will refer to them as 20 and 12 rather than hb1or2 or
> and D.
>    This is what I would do if I were in your position.
> 1} Disconnect 20 and set 12 as the master drive, remember to change the
> jumpers(mine is cable select so it is easy to change between master and
> slave).
> 2} Install Win98 on 12
> 3} When Win98 is up and running and you have installed your printer or any
> other perif. you might need for your data recovery shut down.
> 4}Reconnect 20 as slave drive, remember the jumpers.
> 5} Restart your system and , fingers crossed, when Win98 boots and you
> My Computer you will have a D drive which is Win2000
> 6} Copy your data files from Win2000 to Win98
> 7} After you have copied all your data, shut down, change 20 back to
> and 12 to slave.
> 8} Do a new install of Win2000 on 20 use Fat32
> 9} When the install completes and Win2000 boots the bootloader will
> giving you the option to boot to either Win2000 or Win98.Choose Win2000
> 10} Once Win2000 boots go to Accessories/System Tools/Back-Up and create
> 11} Install any needed programs and then import or copy your data back
> Win98.
>    If this situation has not completly turned you off on Mandrake, I hope
> has not, and you plan to reinstall it on your 2nd hd do not delete Win98
> PM to reduce it in size because unless you plan to do a great deal in
> 4 to 5GB is plenty space. Also by keeping Win98 all you need do is change
> which hd boots first if you have problems again with Win2000.
>    I myself have not installed Mandrake on my Win2000 system I have 7.1
> installed on a dual 98 system. I do plan to install 7.1 on 2000 sometime
> this week it uses Grub rather than Lilo as its default boot loader and I
> think Lilo might be the problem with 7.0 and 2000.
>    I have tried Corel Linux on my 2000 system and though I did not like
> distro itself its boot loader did install and work with Win2000.
>    Let me know how your problem works out and I will let you know how the
> 7.1 install goes.
>    Good luck.
>    Charles
> P.S. I hope my instructions do not appear too simplistic. That was as much
> for my benifit as yours. :-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 6:32 PM
> Subject: [newbie] this is an emergency (lilo, mbr, windows...)LanceREAD
> > > charles:
> > >
> > > Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, I followed someone's advice on
> > > Linuxnewbie.org last night and went into the Win2k recovery console
> > > have the Win2k rescue floppy discs!!**), I ran the fixmbr and fixboot
> commands
> > > as suggested, and it said it rewrote the mbr ok (to C:). I then
> restarted and
> > > it said NTLDR not found (which I guess is the Win2k bootloader). I
> booted
> > > with a Win98 boot disk to check and see if my data was still there,
> all it
> > > had listed was  *one*  9gig file (which is about about right in terms
> data,
> > > but not 9gigs in just one file!). Also, in FDISK, it is reporting my
> Win2000
> > > drive as FAT12, and not FAT32! I then ran Partition Magic and it has
> Win2k
> > > drive1  listed as FAT32X with a 7.8 MB "free space" partition (?), and
> drive 2
> > > (the Mandrake drive)  says "critical error 110" partition table
> corruption (or
> > > something like that) When I go back into Mandrake and browse my Win2k
> drive, it
> > > lists about 100 small byte-sized executable files with garbled
> for
> > > each file (i.e. "0112tgs.exe")...So, 2 years of work and 10 gigs of
> all
> > > lost, or so it seems right now. Not to blame or diss Mandrake, but I
> have
> > > installed/used extensively Redhat 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, Suse 6.2, and 6.3 (my
> last
> > > distro), and this is the absolute WORST experience I have ever, ever,
> had with
> > > Linux. Lilo doesn't work, My CD-Rom will not work, Mandrake has no
> > > support (SuSe and Redhat do) and now 10 gigs of data GONE. It's ironic
> too,
> > > because Mandrake has this "easy to use and install" perception about
> but
> > > that was by no means my experience with this product. At any rate, I'd
> like to
> > > thank the people that have helped out.
> > >
> > > Charles A Edwards wrote:
> > >
> > > > Lance
> > > >    No offense meant to Paul but do not follow his advise for
> your
> > > > MBR. It Will Not Work for Win2000. The only way to restore your MBR
> any
> > > > part of Win2000 is if you have created a Win2000 Rescue disk(not the
> set of
> > > > 4 install disk, but a Rescue disk you made in Win2000). If you boot
> your
> > > > Install CD without using the Rescue disk the installer Will Not be
> able to
> > > > find your existing Win2000 partition and you will not be able to do
> > > > restore install only a new install. This has happened to me in
> so I
> > > > have first hand knowledge of what I am saying.
> > > >    If you do not have a Rescue disk you will not be able to repair
> MBR.
> > > > If you have data in Win2000 that you need to save the only way that
> can
> > > > think of that would work is install either Win2000 or Win98 to your
> 2nd hd.
> > > > and then copy the data to it.
> > > >    I had no data to lose so I did a new install of Win2000 and the
> first
> > > > thing I did afterwards was create a rescue disk.
> > > >
> > > >    Charles
> > > >
> >
> >
> >

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