On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, bascule wrote:

As far as I can help you:

>1) do i need to 'fake' a domain for both machines to belong to or is it
>enough to give each machine a name?

A name for each machine is enough.

>2)is the ip address of each nic the same as each machine or is that
>different? (i ask because i know that one machine could have more than
>one nic)

Each Nic needs a separate IP address. If you hand out equal IP's there
will be confusion all around when one machine shouts "Hey,,
here's something. Eh... oh, it's for me too??"

>3)do i need a default gateway or to set up any routing info if i only
>have two machines connected via a hub?

Networking set up a gateway thing for me, on I don't know
if I use it, but it apparently is there.

>4)i know about the reserved ip addresses but does it matter which
>address in an allowed range is used? i have used on one box
>and on the other

This is how I did it also. You can also use and, as long as you don't go over 255 (254 in case you have the
gateway on 255). This of course limits you to having only 253 possible
machines on your network. SHould be enough, I guess.

>5)what other quiestions should i have asked?!

Do I need to enable all NFS daemons in the services? Yes. At least, if you
want the machines to be able to transfer files to and from.

Can I share drives over the network? Yes. In your /etc/exports you write:

<mountpoint> <machine>(rw,no_root_squash)

where <mountpoint> is e.g. / or /home or /usr, or whatever share you want
the other side to access, (add a line for each mountpoint)
and <machine> is the name of the OTHER machine. So if you set this up on
machine "bascule_main", and you want "bascule_firewall" to be able to
access the /home share on "bascule_main", this would read:

/home bascule_firewall(rw,no_root_squash)

Then on "bascule_firewall" you mount this one as:

mount bascule_main:/home  /mnt/main

And through /mnt/main on bascule_firewall you then can access
bascule_main's /home directories.

Was this clear? Don't know. Was this extensive? I guess!

You're in England? Neat! Tomorrow I am coming over for a week. I am going
to spend a week in Wales!


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