thanks for that url, as for my 486 it has 12meg ram, 540mb hard drive,
vlb i/o card, trident tgui9440 vlb video card,the processor is reported
as a 'Cx486 DX2-S at 66mhz' netgear ea201 nic and a cdrom that i
obtained for free from a friend and 'repaired' it is labelled an
xcelsior-24x, the tray had come out and by taking it apart i managed to
get it working again (as far as i can tell)

i managed to install redhat 6.0 on to the machine and after that i had
one sucessful install of mandrake7-02 i486 but when i tried to reinstall
recently i had problems, i keep getting 'abnormal termination' errors or
something similar while all the selected packages are being copied over,
selecting alt-f4 (or was it alt-f3?) i see messages about 'hdd tray is
open' hdd should be the cdrom drive so maybe it isn't as functional as i
think it is, only i have subsequently discovered that my mandrake i486
iso that i downloaded to burn to cd is failing the md5sum test so maybe
this is the problem instead, running windows i had no problems using the
cdrom drive to copy files -even used it to install win95 for a laugh!-
if this helps then i'm glad, all i know is that i have had two
successful installs so it's not impossible,

looking ahead, if after i obtain a known good copy of the mandrake i486
iso i find that my cdrom is faulty then does anyone know if i can
install from my other machine via the nic?


Ot Ratsaphong wrote:

> I have a 486/66 VL-bus PC with 32MB RAM and a Trident Video card. I have not
> been able to install anything after RedHat 5.2. I'm interested in upgrading
> to MDK 7.02 486 and am interested to hear that you have been successful at
> it. Can you tell me if your H/w is similar to mine?
> Thanks,
> Ot  8^)
> -----Original Message-----

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