Actually this has very little to do with Linux itself.

Rather the shell you are using.

By default Linux uses bash.

You can however elect to utilize a totally different shell.

It's likely that the script you wrote was set up for a shell available on
your other box. If you get Linux to use the same shell as your other
machine, you'll probably get similiar results.


|-----Original Message-----
|From: Michael Khachiki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:30 AM
|Subject: [newbie] Linux an Unix scripts
|HI all
|can any one tell me what is the difference between Unix and Linux
|scripts? I
|have made small Unix script and it works... but the same script wouldn't
|work on Linux. I am perplexed on why would the same script work on one OS
|and not on the other.
|Can any one tell me if /bin is the right place to store scripts?

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