hmmm.  I don't remember actually saying that you should or shouldn't 
overclock.  We were simply discussing how ram/cpu's are created and rated for 
the speeds that they are sold at.

(Not overclocked even though I know how cuz I don't want to.)

>===== Original Message From "Steve Weltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>You sound pretty passionate about your point...and it looks pretty solid as
>Thanks for not setting me a-blaze too!
>Slowly yours,
>Steve Weltman
>(not able to overclock, cuz I dunno how!)
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 8:26 AM
>Subject: RE: [[newbie] Athlon thunderbird & ka7-100]
>> NO, that is incorrect.  That statement is a myth promoted through
>> I've seen enough destroyed product from overclockers - that I can stand
>> straight and tall and tell you bluntly - overclocking DESTROYS parts.
>> Period.
>> "If you buy it - then it is yours" - is a defense statement that I hear
>> and over again as to the excuse to try overclocking.  Once the part is
>> destroyed - the mantra becomes - "It's under warranty - I want it replaced
>> yesterday"
>> BS - if you destroy it through misuse then it's yours.  Period.
>> Learn the facts - and not the hype.  Overclocking destroys the forbidden
>> gap.  It destroys the electron flow.  Overclockers just don't know what
>> are doing - meanwhile - they promote themselves as if they know about
>> electronics.  Overclocking is stupid.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Abe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 7:41 PM
>> Subject: RE: [[newbie] Athlon thunderbird & ka7-100]
>> yep and that is also why people can overclock their RAM & CPU's without
>> right destroying them.  The hard ware tends to be rated conservatively
>> because
>> it will last longer if it is used at less then 100% of capacity.
>> >===== Original Message From "John A. MacLaughlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>> >>
>> >> . . . they make ram and the really good stuf gets rated at 133 and the
>> >less
>> >> great stuf gets rated at 100.  Initially pc-100 ram was really high
>> >quality
>> >> pc-66 ram.  . . .
>> >>
>> >
>> >That's how they get the faster CPU's too.
>> Jesus saves,
>> Allah forgives,
>> Chthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.

Jesus saves,
Allah forgives, 
Chthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.

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