Thanks for the info!  That's an interesting concept.  I just went to the
Linux Expo here in Brazil and they had a great talk by the founder of
the LTSP on diskless terminals.  Seems like it has a bunch of
advantages, particularly in the coprporate/educational setting.  

"Austin L. Denyer" wrote:
> > What do you mean by a diskless terminal?
> I assume he means PCs without hard drives.  These can be booted either
> by floppy (not recommended for obvious security reasons) or by an EPROM
> on the NIC that greps the boot data from the fileserver.
> We had these at one of the sites I used to work at.  When outside polite
> company we used to trade the first 's' in diskless to a 'c', which more
> accurately described them.
> Having said that, the site was running Windoze at the time, and Windoze
> sucked on diskless machines.  Linux would be OK...
> Regards,
> Ozz.

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