> I received an email a while back about them getting a port for AOL on Linux,

> then there was a whole bunch of hype over it, but now nothing. Im still 
> looking out for this, if anyone knows any info on it and could tell me id 
> really appriciate it.
> ~Lance
Sorry I have no info for you Lance.  I haven't used aol since 1995.  I do have
a suggestion.  Why not try a local ISP in your area for an internet
connection.  You'll probably pay somewhere in the range of $15-$17/mo. for
service, with never a busy signal or disconnect.  And ALMOST all of them can
work with no trouble with linux.  true you'll have to change e-mail addresses
if you drop aol, but you could always be [EMAIL PROTECTED] and just let
all of you contacts know, just before you drop aol.  [Write to everyone in
your addressbook]
        I think you'll find you get better service, at lower cost, and no waiting for
service for linux.  Hey, then you won't have to boot into windows as often
Just my US$.02 based on my own experiences,

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