Larry wrote --->

> Did you have any problems with volumn on your SB Live card?  I was
> talking to a neophyte Linux buddy of mine yesterday and when we
> installed 7.1 for him it recognized his SB Live card just fine.  But
> he reported to me yesterday that he has no control over volume and
> that it's LOUD!  He's tried kdemixer and tried turning the volume down
> in xmms.  Neither seem to affect the volume?  Any ideas?

Fortunately I had no problems with the volume either -- when Xwindows 
fired up it was VERY loud, I proceeded to go the kdemixer, turned it down 
and it was fine. :-) Needless to say I didn't have to go to xmms so I 
can't say anything about that. 

Keep Smiling,
Patti - Registered Linux User #184611

Look at a day when you were supremely satisfied at its end. It's not a 
day when you lounge around doing nothing. It's when you've had everything 
to do and you've done it. 
Margaret Thatcher 
Former British prime minister 

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