Robin Regennitter wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Isnt OSX a MAC versions of Operating System.  I thought it's not related to
> Linux.   Of course there are some Linux distributions for the Mac.  But what
> I've heard Apple is producing the next generation of O/S entitled OSX.
> Rob

AFAIK, Mac OS-X (and thats "ten", BTW), is the classic, slick Mac GUI sitting
on top of a version of BSD Unix. My little brother just paid $30 for a beta
version that he is going to install on his iBook. (go figure-paying that for a
beta! <smile>)

I watched a quicktime movie of this new OS in action, and it *looks* good, but
really, what can you tell from watching a demo? Give me hands on, everytime. ;)


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