research by some university shows that statistically linux is the second most 
popular os in the world, #1 is still winblows however there are many benifits 
in the linux community you have thousands of developers who find a bug post 
it and instantly thousands of others begin working on the problem and post a 
solution within record time!!!!!!, you can find that on one of the many linux 
news sites accompanying bill gates comment about linux!
i feel linux has potential given i am a dead beat basic programmer (cringes 
at the thought of microsoft programming) but from what i have seen of linux 
mainly mandrake proven #1 in usability and richness in features there can be 
an obtainable goal of uniformity soon grub, sawmill, kde and other guis will 
merely be a skin, i particularly like kde but thats only because it looks 
better and currently on my system is more stable, we have seen many 
advancements in the linux world as well, (ie microprogramming, qnx, trinux, 
the number one triumph of all started in the beginning stability!!!!!!!!)

the linux community can band together but it may take a little bit of effort 
we have many companys working together and more joining every day but i will 
give you that it is hard and everyone has their own ideas, who knows we may 
have a programmer who is analyizing every bit of code out there for linux and 
is secretly creating the ultimate linux os in his basement, the box for every 

i want to be that person but i have much to learn!

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