> > With klseti, click on the + button to add an instance.  It will show you
> > dialog box.  Click the browse button, and select the directory that
> > setiathome is running in.  Click OK, and give it a name in the box over
> > path.  Click OK again, et voila!
> Thanks, Your instructions were easier to understand than the readme
> file. I did what you indicated and klseti is up and running. I have one
> hour to go on my first work unit. Thanks Again.

You're welcome - that is what we're here for.

Out of interest, how long are the work units taking on your machine?  Mine
is a little under 20 hours on an AMD K6-2 at 380Mhz.

I am sure that many manual writers are competing in some form of obfuscation

Happy ET hunting!


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