Here is my setup of things:
       | RoadRunner
| Firewall  |
|________| - Private Network
|                |______________________________________
|   Hub       |                                                                  |
|_________|--------------------------                        _________________
       |                                   |                       |                              |
       |                        ----------------------             |  LM 7.1                 |
__________              |  Jet Direct     |             |_________________|
|                |              | HP LJ4Plus   |                DHCP
| Win98SE |              |____________|
Now that you got the picture, the obvious reason  for this message is the difficulty of getting the Linux box to sent print jobs to the laser printer.
The printer is configured to use gateway though I do not think this is correct. I have tired it with and without a gateway and neither works.
One thing I am confused about is what to enter as the remote queue when using printtool. Which by the I can ping, telnet, run the printtool test pages and all works just fine.
The only problem I am having is printing from any KDE appications including Netscape. When attempting to print nothing happens, that is to say, there are no errors that pop up and no port actvity for the printer.
Any idea what I am doing wrong here? This should be a simple thing to do and yet it has me stumped. This should probably be on the experts list.
Dennis Veatch

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