----- Original Message -----
From: "bascule" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HP Jetdirect printing

> could i jump in and ask a couple of questions that might help me
> understand your diagram? i can't help you i'm afraid but i think i might
> learn something from any future answers to your query, does dhcp mean
> that the box is being given it's ip address by a dhcp server?

Yes. The dhcp server is actually a 486 box I'm using as a firewall.

>(or is
> being a server - only one needed though right?) in which case which is
> the dhcp server, the firewall? (is this what is called a  router?),

Not sure what you mean by that first part. If I understand you right, yes,
only one dhcp
server is needed. The primary function of the box IS to be a firewall. I
could have as
easily used static IPs instead of dynamic. Since RoadRunner uses dhcp for my
address, I figured I would just carry on with dhcp.

>is your network printer configured via the network or by physical switches
> etc.(i.e. how do you assign it an ip?)

With the Jetdirect, the printers IP can be done via HPs webjet software,
JetAdmin software or telnet from a workstation.

> i hope you don't mind my butting in but i am interested in networking
> questions

Not a problem.

> bascule
> >
> > Now that you got the picture, the obvious reason  for this message is
> > the difficulty of getting the Linux box to sent print jobs to the
> > laser printer.
> >
> > The printer is configured to use gateway though I do not
> > think this is correct. I have tired it with and without a gateway and
> > neither works.
> >
> > One thing I am confused about is what to enter as the remote queue
> > when using printtool. Which by the I can ping, telnet, run the
> > printtool test pages and all works just fine.
> >
> > The only problem I am having is printing from any KDE appications
> > including Netscape. When attempting to print nothing happens, that is
> > to say, there are no errors that pop up and no port actvity for the
> > printer.
> >
> > Any idea what I am doing wrong here? This should be a simple thing to
> > do and yet it has me stumped. This should probably be on the experts
> > list.
> >
> > TIA
> > Dennis Veatch

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