> I think most of the "true" linux experts use the text browsers which coming from
> the gui world I find inadequate.  I tried linux opera.  It is very fast and
> looks terrific but still has problems.  So I will wait for later versions.

You may be right but it would seem to my poorly informed view that the
choices aren't GUI vs non-GUI as much as text-only vs text+graphics.  Now
there's not much point in searching online photo libraries using Lynx
:-)  I find using Lynx to be a ball as it's SOOOOOOOo quick.  But all too
much of the web is "lost" in the translation from what I can see.

I agree about the Opera problems but once I figured out that I had to exit
after making some setup changes, the problems don't seem any worse than
what I experience with Netscape.  This, of course, is said with one hour
of experience with Opera and probably that much restarting Netscape :-)

Cheers --- Larry

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