> I had tried the tar file on Opera and got a dump due to unexpected EOF. So
> that didn't work for me. And I do understand that beta may load slower but
> what I am seeing is after it loads and is running, if I change screens to go
> to say "mail" it takes about 5 times longer to bring up the mail screen,
> same thing in doing changes of URLs or any move in an existing screen. Is
> that common with a beta? It's like my computer has gone into slow motion.

<grin>...oh...we're talking mail.  Then I'll produce an even stronger view
than you....Mail doesn't work in Mozilla.  I also found (as you> that if I
opened a mail window everything ground to a halt on the browser
side.  That said, I'm downloading with it as I write this in Pine and it's
working fine.  I want to get the latest and greatest 7.2beta before I make
my decision to switch back to Red Hat.  Mandrake seems to be losing site
of some things.

Cheers --- Larry

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