Dennis Myers wrote:
> I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
> install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like
> molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
> I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys
> etc. Anybody getting any better reaction from Net 6 or Moz? And has any
> one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have

While I can understand the need of a GUI browser for some, I really do not
find it important to fire of Netscape or Galeon when I am looking for info
or downloading software....The lynx and its later version links(which I use
with a great deal of comfort) are real great would be great
it some peeps started using it and stayed away from browsers - each of whom
"create" "new" "standards". 

Have a nice day..

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