> or downloading software....The lynx and its later version links(which I use
> with a great deal of comfort) are real great browsers.....it would be great
> it some peeps started using it and stayed away from browsers - each of whom
> "create" "new" "standards". 

I'm a commandline junkie, preferring it to all other means for dealing
with text.  That said, I think there's a chink in the armour of the
text-based browser idea.  It is that there is a lot of stuff on the web
that IS graphics...the information IS the picture(s).  Given that, a
text-based browser simply means you have to learn two.  It forces you to
deal with questions like "Which one do I have Pine call when I tap on a
URL?" and other similar questions.

I admit that I've spent only a couple hours running around, looking at the
world through the eyes of Lynx.  But with that limited background, I don't
see much advantage to it over even Netscape, which I REALLY don't
like.  Bookmark use isn't nearly as fluid, the visuals that let you know
where you are on sites aren't nearly as useful.  It's like shopping at the
mall while looking through a toilet paper roll in my view :-)  I'm
probably lost and bewildered though as I prefer Pine to everything else
I've seen for email in Linux and spend more time in a konsole window than
any other place except for my word process (and I'm not going back to
a text markup language either).

Cheers --- Larry

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