> thanks for the info, I must have
> picked up some corrupt info somewhere.

There seems to be a lot of confusion here.  Servers provide stuff, clients
get stuff...well, most of the time :-)
> O and hey do you know alot about postfix?

Not really, though it's currently handling my mail in/out of Pine. 
> I tried using it once but there was no
> mail in /var/spool/mail/user

Is is possible that your email account name is different from your user
name?  Were there any mailboxes there after you've received mail?  Must be
going somewhere :-)   

> What did I scock up that time?

I'm not sure.  I was using sendmail and fetchmail but for other reasons
needed to do a new install.  When I did postfix got installed and I
noticed that it was working fine so I just left it.  Wish I could tell you
more but I tend to know more about things I can't make work quite so
easily :-) 

You might want to read man postfix and man master.  Browsing through
/etc/postfix/master.cf is also informative.

Cheers --- Larry

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