On Sunday 05 November 2000 10:53 am, you wrote:
> I've been hearing alot about problems galore installing
> this or that...in v7.2 of Mandrake.
> What seems to be the problem with this version...hummmmm?
> Should I just go out a buy 7.1  cause that one seems
> to be more stable and reliable...etc. ???????
> It looks like 7.2 has too many bugs in it....ehhhh?

I've installed 7.2 on three machines and this is the general and specific 
conclusions I have regarding Mandrake 7.2.

So far the stability with a " sane " installation seems to be as good or 
better than previous versions of Mandrake.
What I mean by a sane installation is to try and pick configurations that 
make sense. IE; don't try and setup a GeForce2 video card with XFree86 ver 

What problems I've had with 7.2 deal with issues that have to be dealt with 
no matter which distribution you are using.

        here is an example. On one of the machines I have a USR/3Com model 
        2977 PCI/Hardware/PNP modem. This means it is NOT a winmodem but has
        the lovely PNP setup. No nice jumpers to tell it to go to comX. Nope I had to
        edit the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and add a setserial statement, to get this
        modem to work. What is really interesting is that this modem under Windows
        will only setup as a com5 modem. I sucessfully tried two different com
        ports and got both (not at once, of course)  to work under Mandrake 7.2. 

There still is the issue of the GeForce2 3dAcceleration drivers from Nvidia, 
but again, these are not open-source so I wouldn't expect Mandrake to be 
expected to include them. In any case I've only had a complete copy of 
Mandrake 7.2 myself for about 16 hours and have already been able to work 
through most of the issues involved with this distribution. On one of my 
machnes that had this hardware;
        tyan tiger 133 dual processor
        dual PIII cpus
        Matrox G400 video
        Dual IBM drives 
        ATAPI CDR
        Jumpered USR modem.
        Hitachi CM715 monitor
I had no issues setting up any of the hardware. It all worked out of the box 
with the only configuration being the normal ones to set;
        the time zone,
        my dial-up connection
        x-resolution and color depth
        what software I wanted in this machine
and so on. Just questions that any distro would have to ask. It even picked 
up a sensible setting for the monitor. 

I'd use it if I were you. 

Douglas Moreen
phone   406-375-0566    
web     http://www.allboot.com
mail    AllBoot.Com
        814 Priscilla Way
        Hamilton, MT 59840


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