Unfortunately you do not automagically get hardware acceleration w x
4.0.1 and mandrake 7.2.  I had to use the same procedures to make it
work that I used with 7.0 and 7.1.

I've got an A7V (Via KT13) and linux works great on it.


"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
> Hmm, okay...I'm a little confused now. I thought that with Xfree 4.01 and
> Mandrake v7.2, if your video card is supported, then you get automagically
> installed hardware acceleration? Is that not right?
> Another question; I'm thinking about upgrading soon. Any issues with Via 133
> and AMD 751 chipsets? Tyan motherboards? Thanks, all! ;-)
> --
>                                                                        /\
>                                                                    Dark><Lord
>                                                                        \/

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