Ummm...Netscape 6 sucks because AOL can't program to save their lives, and
a hacker IS a programmer. If you're refering to the "script kiddies" that
have way too much time on their hands and no proper motivation to properly
direct and use their God given talents for something other than to
jerk around making a mess and headache for others never amounting to
nothing more than crimanals...well, there ya went and got me

Let me properly define a few things for you.

Hacker = programmer - someone who writes, developes, or otherwise
engineers software for computers either for money or just for the plain
love of creating something from nothing and allowing others to enjoy and
benifit from his/her efforts.

Cracker = script-kiddie - general, all arouind pain in the ass that should
have their heads handed to them in a bucket cause it's painfully apparent
that they have no intention of doing anything constructive or useful with
their talents in the near future except to get on everyone elses nerves
and generally cause a lot of fuss and trouble!

Frankly, Netscape 6 is a terrible embarrassment for me as I've been a
devoted Netscape user since 1995 when I got my first computer. Since AOL
has taken over that ship it has been steadily sinking and fully expect
that company to go belly-up before too long. they're ruining the program
with their garbage and junk that they've been pedaling to the masses in
their AOL software.



/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  *     REGISTERED LINUX USER # 182496

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*REPLY SEPERATOR*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Mark Johnson had this to say!

> I think a lot of times we use apps and OS interchangeably.  While the the
> Linux OS is very stable and robust, there are many Linux programs that are
> not (Netscape 6 for example).  This has nothing to do with the OS but rather
> with how robust the code is which is solely the programmer's task.  And this
> speaks to the point of view of who cares about the OS if the apps running on
> it aren't usable.  Linux programmers tend to be more hackers than
> "programmers".  I've noticed that most linux apps do a lot less error
> checking and are a lot more rough around the corner's, but this is
> understandable since a lot of the programs are created during the
> programmer's free time.  Also, you can always download the code and fix it
> yourself (IF YOU'RE A PROGRAMMER TOO!)....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abraham Pinzur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 7:56 AM
> Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux
> Mark -
> Admittedly, I don't know entirely what I'm doing yet. And more importantly,
> the platform itself is appreciably more robust than anything I've ever seen
> from MS. I'm not griping about the platform.
> Actually, I'm not griping about the applications, either. I salute all those
> whose efforts have made my experience thus far so effortless. My point is
> merely that there's more work to be done. A truly robust application will be
> able to handle any input (even 0 bees) gracefully.
> Is that not a fairly uncontroversial sentiment?
> - Av -
> --
> Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
> > Sent: Monday, 04 December, 2000 05:40
> > To: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake
> > Subject: RE: [newbie] gates gets Linux
> >
> >
> > Av...what was so well stated about that. All that proves is that he's able
> > to do embarrase himself in public and mutilate his Penguin. You know what
> > I do with users like that at work? I sit them down and compell them to
> > READ the user manual(s) for the apps that they're proving unable to get
> > along with so that they stop causing such unnecessary trouble!
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> >
> > / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
> >   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
> >   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
> >   *
> >   * REGISTERED LINUX USER # 182496
> >   */
> >
> > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*REPLY SEPERATOR*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >
> > On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!
> >
> > >
> > > Well stated, Ed. I too appreciate the stable platform, but the apps are
> > > sometimes a different story. I installed Linux for the express
> > purpose of
> > > getting more experience on the nitty-gritty  end of things... =)
> > >
> > > - Av -
> > >
> > > --
> > > Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Edward McCain
> > > > Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 22:27
> > > > Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and
> > > > programmers,
> > > > > but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is
> > > > that Linux is
> > > > > incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
> > > > > dependable business workstation platform
> > > >
> > > > Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on
> > > > numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
> > > >
> > > > Example:
> > > > kde control center
> > > > look and feel
> > > > screensaver
> > > > kswarm
> > > > setup
> > > > move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
> > > > this causes the application to 'crash'
> > > >
> > > > Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by
> > > > grabbing a
> > > > email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the
> > > > subject line
> > > > and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I
> > crashed kmail
> > > > twice before I got the hint.
> > > >
> > > > True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but
> > what's a stable
> > > > platform without stable applications?
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > >
> > > > Yours,
> > > >
> > > > R. Edward McCain
> > > > icq: 599146
> > > > Registered Linux User #196613
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

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