Dear WinHaters,

I cann't help it, but I feel the urge to adres me like that to you all (my
apologies for the few ones who are a bit more normal). I have followed this
'discussion' for a while, and I'm a bit dissapointed.
I always have been thinking of Linux-users as some pioneers. But as it
sounds here, at least in this discussion, that most of you are using Linux
because they hate to use M$.
I started with Linux since 2 months, trying to make it work on a simple
machine. For me it was a challenge make it working on a 'simple' old-fashion
486. My winbox (at which this mail has been made, cause my linbox isn't yet
on my network) is running now since more than 1 year without a single (yep
not ONE) crash. Although the box is very heavily charged, with both hardware
and programs (at least 10 are constantly turning).
Now I have a qeustion for you, which car are you driving? A new one or
almost new? Or do you have a car at which you have to do constantly some
tuning or repairs on it to make it drive. Do you keep using a car or start
using it when you knows it'll gona give you a hard head at least once in a
week? Do you fix it or will you go to a garage? Cause you don't have the
ability, does this make you knuckleheads or average Joe users who PAY for
making theirs cars run smootly most of the time.
Yes, all this has nothing to do in this mailing list, as none of the mails
regarding this subject. Keep the good thing up, making linux the best and
easy to use OS, and don't forget : up until now you are NOT the average
computer user.

With my best regards.

PS : I'll wait a few day's, hoping this useless discussion is gonna stop.
I'ts messing up my mail, so afterwards I'm gonna block this subject.


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