Hey Tom,

Is it true about hardware providers paying fees to M$ so that Windows
supports or approves their hardware? In other words, no fee - no
drivers. Have you ever heard about this? I just wanted to clear that up.


Tom Brinkman wrote:
>    A lot has been said about 'when Linux is ready for the average
> users desktop'.  Mostly inferring that this is a good idea to begin
> with.  I think not.
>     What needs to be happening (IMO) is the users and desktop need to
> get ready for Linux, et al.  It appears, most seem to think that Linux
> has come a long way in the last few years.  Some in a Winblows sense.
> I sort'a kind'a agree.  Linux use to (only) run on quality, standard
> hardware.  Now it's tryin to run on any ol' thing ... kind'a like a
> Wintendo clone.  Lin-modems, lin-printers, lin-sound, lin-video,
> lin-mice, lin-...., etc.
>      While Linux and most other Un*x flavor OS's have progressed
> remarkedly in the last few years, the desktop systems have been goin'
> further an' further south.  Most of y'all recognize the 'winmodem'
> situation, but fail to see that this is only the tip of the iceberg.
> There's a sh!+load'a win-hardware out there now, and the situation's
> become worse and worse over just the last few years.  Many of y'all are
> tryin to run Linux on win-hardware.  Specially those that post " but it
> works great in Win..."   This is a USER problem, IMO.
>     Keep this in mind when you evaluate Linux's climb in usability.
> It's been a real hard up hill climb against hardware that is more'n
> more intended, and designed _only_ to be used with Windoze. IOW's,
> goin' south.  Hell, a lot of it won't even work with NT or DOS. Heck, a
> lot of it doesn't work too well with Winblows!
>    Situation's becoming so bad that even Wintendo 95 thru ME is havin'
> problems runnin on the newest hardware offerings.  While I'm convinced
> that the BIG ready mades (ie, Dell, Gateway, Compaq, etc) are the most
> overpriced cheap junk fosted on the unsuspecting public .... they have
> one MAJOR factor goin for them.  They all design their limited,
> substandard, proprietary crap ... to work with Winblows.
>    *This makes most of the people happy, most of the time.*
>  What I believe many of y'all think of as 'ready for the desktop'
>    Windoze doesn't work with any hardware... any hardware is intended
> to work with Winblows.  Well, sort'a. In the last year or so with the
> advent of 'Moore's Law' processors, and chipset/ram/motherboard/
> peripheal's inabiliity to adequately keep up, the public (read, USER)
> who's willing to accept this as progress, and also accept cheapness,
> corner cutting, substandard (read, 'onboard' or 'built-in') hardware as
> OK  ...... IMO, that's the bigger PROBLEM.
>    I fault *uncle billy* for fostering this whole mess, and y'all that
> blindy suck in the advertised latest and greatest (cheapest?) hardware
> without really investigating it.   This is the main reason that I
> believe I'm in the majority when I suspect *USER*, hardware, operating
> software (_in that order_) as the cause of most computing failures,
> _any_ OS.
> --
> Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

Registered Linux User #179293

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