Hey Mark (& John, I guess),

  I won't claim to know as much about Linux as Civileme, but I've
picked up some things in the past year & a half on RH 6.0.  To
open a file like:  This File in, say pico, do this:

$ pico "This File"

  You just need to add the quotes to any file or directory with
spaces.  Dunno about opening with Wine, as I'd had no luck
getting it to run in RH.

  Good luck,

> Ok...since you've said I will believe it. But then how does one
> to these dir's that have spaced names, or how would one open
such a file
> from a command line? Every time I've ever tried this, with the
> of doing it with Wine (and even then most times it fails), I
get a message
> telling that there isn't any such file or directory.

> And by the way...how long will it take for someone to know as
much about
> Linux as you apparently know?  :)

> On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 civileme spake passionately saying!

> > On Wednesday 13 December 2000 02:08, you wrote:
> > > Wait...I thought spaces "were/are" illegal in *nix?

> > > Mark

> > Apparently Corel shares your thought.  It is the same for the
*.wpd files--no
> > spaces allowad.  But I DO have directories and filenames with
spaces, and
> > they work OK.  It is easy to create or handle them from the
GUI, but from a
> > command line....

> > touch mark\ a\ blank #will make a file with blanks in the
> > rm mark\ a\ blank will remove it

> > Civileme

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