Meph Istopheles wrote:
>   John,
>   Whoa!  Talk about obsessive;-).
>   But dude, isn't life just a little dull explicitly playing by
> the rules?  I honestly don't know how many, but I've had (in RH
> 6.0 & likely ~will~ have in mdk 7.2 after installing this
> weekend) numerous files with spaces, exceeding 14 characters, &
> even some illegal characters.  I think the deal is to go with
> what works.  There's always time to fix stuff when things go bad.
> How else do we learn?
>   Meph

I shall therefore consider that my non-esistant left wrist has been
severely chastised by means of an obscelecent bus ticket...

Actually is not about rules - it's about being able to navigate through
one's system without the need for 'special' techniques. It's about
readability and such.

While I have a disability which limits my use of consoles, and prefer
these days to use point'n'click GUI's, it all depends on whether the
particular chunck of code you using has been organised to recognise
that white-space is not a commandline delimiter, and it's my belief
that few programmers would allow for this senario considering the
extra coding needed.

Meph, just consider this for a moment. You are called out to deal to
a system which you have never seen before. The docs for the system
have been locked away in a secure area (lost??). Some real bright
script-kiddie has this neat security system - he renames certain
important structures in the clients data area by means of inserting
spaces into file and directory names. I've been there a couple of
times, mostly in Win9x systems where the client software is run
to a series of structures by means of called batchfiles.

Referring to filename lengths: 
Linux is a *NIX clone - yes? 
In many cases software written to Unix specs runs under Linux - yes?
In many cases software written for Linux runs under Unix - yes?

Portability would tend to dictate that there be some conformity.

Jeezz - what a can of worms out of:

>I would have thought that a space was an undesirable if not illegal
>character in a filename let alone a directory name.
>Is this not the case?

Which in fact was a question rather than a statement.

Cheers from a severely chastised old fogey who actually really enjoys
messing about with opsys's/opsyses/opsysii
(Oh Hell what is the plural)!!
ICQ#: 89345394                  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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