You need to edit the javarc file.
You will find it in office52/user/config
The 2nd line reads ExcludeVersion
Comment out the entry for 1.2.2
Save the changes and exit the editor.

>From the office52/program folder run jvmsetup.
Both your java runtimes as well as Sun JDK will now be listed and you can
assoc the one of your choice to run with StarOffice.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lionel Chan
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2000 9:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] Installing StarOffice 5.2

Merry Christmas,

I have Mandrake 7.2 (PowerPack Deluxe) installed.  When I setup StarOffice
the Java Setup Window says "No Java Runtime Environment was found which can
be used by StarOffice"

The "Java and JavaScript are not supported" button was automatically

I've the following runtine environment installed: -
jre-blackdown 1.2.2-0.4mdk Java(RM) 2 Runtime Environment
jre-sun 1.2.2-2mdk Java(RM) 2 Runtime Environment

Even if I were to tell the setup program where the above runtime were I'm
out of luck.  Any idea where I've gone wrong?  Tks very much.

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