Thanks for the adv.  BTW, what are the problems I can expect form it?
CHAN kin Poon

On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 December 2000 15:12, you wrote:
> > Merry Christmas,
> >
> > I have Mandrake 7.2 (PowerPack Deluxe) installed.  When I setup StarOffice
> > 5.2 the Java Setup Window says "No Java Runtime Environment was found which
> > can be used by StarOffice"
> >
> > The "Java and JavaScript are not supported" button was automatically
> > selected.
> >
> > I've the following runtine environment installed: -
> > jre-blackdown 1.2.2-0.4mdk Java(RM) 2 Runtime Environment
> > jre-sun 1.2.2-2mdk Java(RM) 2 Runtime Environment
> >
> > Even if I were to tell the setup program where the above runtime were I'm
> > still out of luck.  Any idea where I've gone wrong?  Tks very much.
> >
> >  --
> > CHAN Kin Poon
> Well, it looks for jdk, not jre these days, but I have found SO5.2 and Java 
> don't seem to get along--even when installed by the manual.
> Civileme
CHAN Kin Poon

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