Hi Susan (and guys/gals)

May well give it a burl next time round. Only a newbie myself and going thru
a steep learning curve hear. Used linux for approx 3 weeks so far, and
windows for 9 years. Gettin hold of the full 7.1 ver of mandrake complete
with manuals tomorrow (mainly for the manuals to help my learning cuve) from
a friend at work. This is something I'd like to help further when I learn
just a little more :)


> I am interested in testing mandrake softwares. I have DSL
> connection, I have 20gig secondary drive all devoted to
> mandrake7.2 right now on one of my boxen and I could
> put experimental distro on it too. I have enjoyed the 7.2
> mandrake and have only had a few problems with samba
> config, supermount, and some other minor glitches that
> the gurus have gotten me through. Right now the mandrake
> boxen is running steady and no problems.
> Let me know if I can help by trying new distro.
> Susan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: civileme
> Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 2:31 AM
> Subject: [newbie] Recruitment Notice
> Well, folks, it is that time of the development cycle where we
> (actually this is a brand new tradition) seek a few brave souls to act as
> testers for our next distro.
> This time, all you need is bravery and a computer system to try this out
> We are finishing testing protocols which will lead you through the testing
> steps; we have software that phones home with your tester number and your
> hardware configuration, and we are building a web site to post results and
> opinions.
> For the first time, we are looking for more than bugs to fix.  We are
> for ratings of functionality that we can share with the community, and
> the developers and maintainers of the packages, even those we do not do
> ourselves.
> To enroll, just email me.  Tell me whether you have a fast connection and
> not, send a postal address.  Oh, and make sure you are able to dedicate a
> little time the month of Valentine's Day.
> Well the pay isn't great ($0) but you do get my personal assistance via
> to configure your computer to the next release.
> Civileme
> --
> QA/Software testing

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