On Saturday 03 February 2001 12:29 pm, regarding Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.3, 
you said:
>  why? is 7.2 broken? it's been my experience that upgrade-itis is hazerdous
>  to your computer's health.
7.2 isn't exactly *broken* on my box, but I am having relatively frequent 
experiences of video problems (technocolor static appearing in frames, around 
borders and sometimes only the dot,box and x -like are in the upper right 
hand corner of kmail- appearing to let me know I have opened another program).

Besides, if what the KDE crew has done with Konq' and the rest is any 
indication of what the Mandrake folks are up to, then the next release of 
Mandrake is *well worth waiting for then acquiring*!


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