On Thursday 22 February 2001 11:46, DRX wrote:
>      When I give the command "rm annoyingfile" I expect annoyingfile to
> disappear -- not to be asked

> rm: remove 'annoyingfile'?

>      What's the point of asking that?  I wouldn't have given the command rm
> if I didn't want to remove annoyingfile, would I?

If you want to live dangerously, you can use "rm -f annoyingfile". Another 
command you should know is "man [commandname]". For example, "man rm" tells 
you all the options for the command, including "-f". 

Keep in mind that Linux doesn't provide any mechanism for undeleting data. 
The "are you sure" prompt is there to save you from yourself. 

>      How do I change the function of rm to make it work the way I would
> like?

If you REALLY want to live dangerously, you can create an alias something 

        alias rmf = "rm -f"

Put this in your .bashrc file. Then use the command "rmf" instead of "rm" and 
it will do what you're asking.


Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

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